Community partnerships, industry-academia cooperation, and international activities

  • 柏キャンパス一般公開
    Kashiwa Open Campus


    An open campus program is held on the last Friday and Saturday of October every year. Some 10,000 people participate in open campus events that include visiting research laboratories and touring large-scale experimental facilities.

  • 東京大学柏図書館友の会
    Kashiwa Library Club


    Kashiwa Library Club supports activities of Kashiwa Library at The University of Tokyo, and also promotes exchange among members, as well as between members and library staff. Anyone who has graduated from high school and who agrees with the purpose of the club is eligible for membership. Club members can receive announcements of special library events and borrow open-shelf books.

  • 柏の葉アーバンデザインセンター(UDCK)
    Urban Design Center Kashiwa-no-ha (UDCK)


    Urban Design Center Kashiwa-no-ha was established as a joint research center of the University of Tokyo, Chiba University, Kashiwa City, Mitsui Fudosan Co., Ltd., The Kashiwa Chamber of Commerce and Industry, and the regional community (Tanaka Regional Furusato Committee), and Metropolitan Intercity Railway Company. It is located in front of Kashiwanoha Campus Station, and operates pilot programs and seminars based on research achievements and ideas from the universities.

  • さわやかちば県民プラザとの連携
    Sawayaka Chiba Kenmin PlazaSawayaka


    Sawayaka Chiba Kenmin Plaza is a prefectural complex facility for lifelong learning as well as art and culture. The University of Tokyo sends a lecturer for their Kashiwanoha Academia Lecture, and also provides lectures and tours about advanced technologies and environmental concerns.

  • 大学コンソーシアム東葛への参加
    University Consortium Tokatsu


    University Consortium Tokatsu aims to promote cooperation and exchange among the local governments of Kashiwa, Abiko, Nagareyama, Noda, and Matsudo, as well as 11 nearby universities, including the University of Tokyo, in order to contribute to the development of both the university and the local community.

  • 柏Ⅱキャンパス産学官民連携棟
    Kashiwa2 Cooperation Hub


    A facility for open innovation laboratories, incubation laboratories, and Design-Led X Platform of Institute of Industrial Science. Collaborations with enterprises and local governments are going to be performed to create new industries in the open innovation laboratories.

  • 東葛テクノプラザとの連携
    Cooperation with the Tokatsu Techno Plaza


    Cooperation with the Tokatsu Techno Plaza Tokatsu Techno Plaza, established by Chiba Prefecture, is an organization that provides support for corporate research and development in the prefecture. The University of Tokyo participates in the following projects:
    -University Research Exchange Salon
    At this workshop, researchers from the University among others provide lectures and consultation to people from the corporate and government sectors about new technology and new product development. The University of Tokyo sends a lecturer and consultant to this workshop.
    -Summer Science Class
    This class educates children on different views of science, and teaches the importance and joy of making things with their hands. The University of Tokyo sends an instructor to this class.

  • 東大柏ベンチャープラザとの連携
    Cooperation with the Todai Kashiwa Venture Plaza

    大学発ベンチャーの創出・育成と地域経済の活性化を目的に、 中小企業基盤整備機構により設置された施設です。入居企業 の多くが東京大学と連携しています。

    The Todai Kashiwa Venture Plaza was established by the Organization for Small and Medium Enterprises and Regional Innovation Japan. It provides support to small and medium venture firms that aim to research and develop new products and new technology or to enter new technology fields based on university discoveries and inventions. The University of Tokyo cooperates with many of the firms involved.

  • 日本原子力研究開発機構との連携
    Cooperation with the Japan Atomic Energy Agency


    A Researcher-in-Residence from the Center for Computational Science & e-Systems at the Japan Atomic Energy Agency is always on the Kashiwanoha Station Campus and promotes joint research on high technology computational science toward complexity phenomena of materials, structures, and fluids. The University of Tokyo cooperates in growing human resources in super computing and its application fields.

  • 国際交流活動
    International Exchange Activities


    Kashiwa Campus is defined as the international base of the University of Tokyo. The Center for Global Education (Kashiwa Branch)(KIO) assists international students and researchers with their daily life concerns, and also organizes cultural events and exchange programs on campus. KIO promotes the globalization of campus, and also serves as the contact point for international exchange programs with the local communities. Additionally, the International Lodge (Kashiwa Lodge) opened on Kashiwa II Campus in 2010. The University is planning the development of an “international village for all disciplines”. The idea is that foreign students and researchers from all over the world come together to exchange ideas and learn in an environment where learning and living are in the same place.