KASHIWA Campus柏キャンパス






Kashiwa Campus is the newest of the three main campuses of The University of Tokyo in addition to campuses at Hongo and Komaba, and was established with the vision of building a new community with a strong interdisciplinary and international character that can respond to the dynamic scientific and educational needs of the 21st Century. Hongo Campus, the core of traditional academic activities at The University of Tokyo since its foundation in 1877, and Komaba Campus, focusing on undergraduate studies and building interdisciplinary links between established fields of study for over 60 years, have longstanding academic traditions. Kashiwa Campus recently joined this family and aims at a fundamental reorganization of the structure of traditional academic disciplines, reconsidering the framework of how knowledge is created and organized. Under the slogan of “Adventures in Knowledge”, Kashiwa Campus has started various new initiatives.

The Graduate School of Frontier Sciences (GSFS) consists of three divisions each with relevant departments: Division of Transdisciplinary Sciences, Division of Biosciences, and Division of Environmental Studies. GSFS aims to create new frontiers of academic fields. The Institute for Solid State Physics (ISSP) comprehensively promotes basic condensed matter physics and materials science by elucidating thoroughly from the root the properties of various materials that support industries such as energy, material fields and soft matters including biological materials where dynamics and excited states. The Institute for Cosmic Ray Research (ICRR) is pursuing the origins of the universe and matter through research on cosmic rays. The Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute (AORI) not only promotes basic research on the ocean and atmosphere, but also contributes to society through deepening ocean and climate science. The University of Tokyo Institutes for Advanced Study, Kavli Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe (Kavli IPMU)pursues the deep mysteries of the universe through the integration of Physics, Mathematics and Astronomy. Other departments include the Center for Spatial Information Science, Kashiwa Branch of Environmental Science Center, the Information Technology Center, Institute of Industrial Science (IIS), the Kashiwa Library and the University of Tokyo Archives.

As the names suggest, these facilities bring together people from a wide variety of research fields. As an important part of facilitating communication between research fields, Kashiwa Campus also has a strong international character, promoting international contacts and the exchange of ideas from around the world. Through the facilities that exist now or will be built in the near future, Kashiwa Campus has excellent coverage of many of the new fields of science that have growing importance in shaping our lives in the 21st Century. Abandoning the constraints of traditional ways of organizing science, Kashiwa Campus has quickly responded to the continuously evolving frontiers of science in an increasingly global and dynamic society by building new interdisciplinary research facilities and seeding new academic fields. These achievements will make the “adventures in knowledge” in Kashiwa possible.

For more information about the members of the Kashiwa Campus, please refer to the publication "Welcome to the Kashiwa Campus".


Kashiwa Campus Joint Academic Management Council
Kashiwa Campus Amenity Office
Kashiwa Campus Liaison Office
Kashiwa Campus Health and Safety Office
  • 柏キャンパス共同学術経営委員会
    Kashiwa Campus Joint Academic Management Council

    柏キャンパスの各部局に共通する学術経営に関する事項を審議、決定する組織として柏キャンパス共同学術経営 委員会が設置されています。

    Established to deliberate and decide on matters of academic management common to all departments of the Kashiwa Campus.

    〔任 務〕

    (1) Matters entrusted to the Council by the departments located at the Kashiwa Campus.
    (2) Matters related to the administrative organization of the Kashiwa Campus
    (3) Matters common to the Kashiwa Campus that are necessary for academic management.

  • 柏キャンパス・アメニティ室
    Kashiwa Campus Amenity Office


    To assist the Kashiwa Campus Joint Academic Management Council in carrying out its duties, the Kashiwa Campus Amenities Office was established under the Council.

    〔任 務〕

    (1) Matters related to facility maintenance
    (2) Matters related to the environment and disaster prevention
    (3) Matters related to welfare
    (4) Other matters deemed appropriate by the Council

  • 柏キャンパス・リエゾン室
    Kashiwa Campus Liaison Office


    To assist the Kashiwa Campus Joint Academic Management Council in carrying out its duties, the Kashiwa Campus Liaison Office was established under the Council.

    〔任 務〕

    (1) Matters related to academic management planning
    (2) Matters related to liaison between the Kashiwa Campus and related institutions and organizations
    (3) Matters relating to public relations for the Kashiwa Campus as a whole.
    (4) Other matters deemed appropriate by the Council

  • 柏キャンパス・環境安全管理室
    Kashiwa Campus Health and Safety Office


    To assist the Kashiwa Campus Joint Academic Management Council in carrying out its duties, the Kashiwa Campus Health and Safety Office was established under the Council.

    〔任 務〕

    (1) Planning and formulation of environmental safety and health management activities on the Kashiwa Campus
    (2) Education and public relations activities related to environmental safety and health
    (3) Assessing the status of environmental safety and health management on the Kashiwa Campus and providing instructions
    (4) Other important matters related to environmental safety and health on the Kashiwa Campus