Kashiwa II Campus is located between Kashiwa Campus and Kashiwanoha Campus Station (Tsukuba Express). It is the central hub of the Tsukuba-Kashiwa-Hongo Innovation Corridor Project*. In 2006, the Research Center for Total Life Health and Sports Science was established (to be discontinued in academic year 2019) as an affiliated facility of the Graduate School of Frontier Sciences. In 2009, the International Lodge, Kashiwa Lodge was built. In November 2019, to commemorate the opening of AIST Kashiwa (completed in November 2018) and the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology Kashiwa Center (completed in June 2019), a joint guided tour, ceremony, and celebration was held. In March 2021, a joint opening ceremony was held for the UTokyo Information Technology Center and Kashiwa Annex, National Institute of Informatics. In April 2021, the Information Technology Center was relocated from the Hongo Campus, and the Kashiwa II branch was established.
The Kashiwa II Campus Management Committee contributes to the proper and efficient management and operation of the Kashiwa II Campus of the University of Tokyo.